Idea how to make "Vehikels":
Ammunation is floating in the air (gun bullet grenade laser shotgun bullet) - those are the vehikels
If u run into them they will float behind/above u (like the medics heart does in TeeMo) and u entered the Vehikle.
Those Vehikels will affect the tee like: grenade = tank = Tee is slower, hook is shorter, just 1 jump, Tee get grenade launcher - grenades fly in an almost straight line and do more dmg than usual.
If Tees in Vehikels get hit then it should be like: Vehikle gets 100% dmg - Tee gets 35% dmg
And u mustnt be able to enter Vehikles with flags.
Exit a Vehikel by saying /exit (u should bind that ^^) - if u exit the Vehikel either destroys (and respawns) or dropps to the ground so some 1 else can get into it.
Maybe u should have a /enter and /exit bind. if u say /exit u cannot enter any Vehikle until u say /enter so u dont enter Vehikles without wanting it.
Since u could take the "floating after tee" part from TeeMo it wouldnt be too much to code (i think) but u cant tell if that would be good gameplay.
So - thats my Idea and it wouldnt even require a modded client.
Barney Stinson is awesome - he is a true Master of magic - … eature=fvwYeah... Magic is pretty cool...