Topic: [QUESTION] How tor run different configurations for each map?

It is possible to create configs that are executed on some maps?
I want to open a RACE server, but some maps need sv_strip 1 and some sv_strip 0.

Is there a way to make that possible?



Re: [QUESTION] How tor run different configurations for each map?

Make 5 config-files. And then a "addvote exec config_map1.cfg" and "addvote exec congif_map2.cfg".


Re: [QUESTION] How tor run different configurations for each map?

You can also try this:
1. Open directory with maps
2. If map name is run_symphatetic, create new file called run_sympatetic.cfg there
3. Put requested config to that file
4. Reload the map on server

Goodbye all. Account inactive since March 2011.