Topic: [MAP] Beach volleyball
This is just my 2nd map so don't expect it to be professional
You need this modpack : Ball mod.
to make it work
File size : 129kb
Link :
EDIT: Rename the file and delete 4249752 . You know what I mean
Here's the config file I use that fits it the best.
sv_name Beach volleyball
sv_scorelimit 25
sv_gametype ball
sv_rcon_password passwordhere
sv_motd Have fun!
sv_max_clients 13
sv_spectator_slots 2
sv_map volleyball0.5
sv_teamchanges 4
sv_time_blocked 120
sv_teamchangeskick 4
sv_teamchangesban 5
sv_messagesnum 10
sv_same_messages 3
sv_time_muted 180
sv_messageskick 3
sv_messagesban 5
sv_reserved_slots 1
sv_reserved_slots_pass "password"
sv_allow_votes 1
sv_all_vote 1
sv_votetime 60
sv_ban_time 10
sv_handle_mapvotes 1
sv_team_balance 1
sv_balance_warning 30
sv_vote_pause 50
sv_silent_mode 0
sv_suicid_score 0
sv_realfoot 0
sv_goalkeeper 0
sv_teleport 0
sv_ball_respawn_time 1
sv_rolling 1
sv_allow_gametype_votes 0
sv_nohook 1
sv_explosions 0
sv_player_keeptime 0
sv_goal_keeptime 0
sv_goalkeeper_changes 5
sv_goalkeeper_changes_ban 5
sv_bounce_loss_x 15
sv_bounce_loss_y 15
sv_grenadelauncher_startvelocity 0
sv_goalkeeper_jumping 0
tune hook_drag_speed 20
tune ground_control_speed 30
tune grenade_curvature 6
tune grenade_speed 1000
tune hook_length 650
tune grenade_lifetime 10
tune gravity 0.4
Have fun!
Feel free to comment.