Topic: Gamemode: Coop
A great round of CTF with 8 reds against 3 blues (teams!!1!11one!! ).
All of us blues in the base shooting at the everlasting hords of enemys trying to hold the flag.
There i got the idea. What about a scenario-like mode?
Some ideas:
- One big team with all players against a (flying?) horde (altogether maybe 50 or 60 really weak enemys) of more or less intelligent enemys (I watched the Matrix 3 yesterday. Remember the hordes of Sentinels flooding Zion?)
- Two teams. One big team and one little (1 or 2 players). The big team has the shooting part while the little one got to coordinate the hordes of enemys (again I think the sentinel-like enemys would look really nice ). Would need a interface to coordinate them.
- Two teams with two subteams. One shoots. The other coordinates the Sentinels.
It would give Teewars a nice strategic side without loosing the deathmatch-like shooting.
I think, Coop missions could go well with Teewars, but only with an easy-to-use editor, so everyone (with mapping skills) can build his own scenario. Team Fortress got some really nice maps (don't know if they are still played. I stopped playing years ago.)
So maybe coop-mode in Teewars 0.5?
P.S. This is a Sentinel: