Topic: [WEB] QualiTee
Hello folks,
as I kinda like the idea of TeeQual, I try to port it in some better Features than just ingame [TQ].
I created a small website with the help of dtee's Php server query tool.
QualiTee aims on creating a big list of the best TeeWorlds servers which get ordered by ratings of respected people.
Those will be the server admins and some chosen people who ask for the feature here.
You aren't able to higher the 'fame' of your own server though to prevent just voting for yourself.
Each of the persons who have access to vote, can place 5 votes. (5x fame+1)
Currently people can register accounts which don't have special features for normal people currently.
If you own a nice server and want it to come inside the list, then please make a post here with the following information:
Server name: XYZ
IP: 123.456.789.123:4567 (ip:port)
Server Admin: XYZ
Gametype (Mod): XYZ
Maps: XYZ, ABC, QWERTY, ...
The criterities which should be given should be same as in the TeeQual project.
Please check if your server matches all those criterities.
All mods which are nice and reasonable are allowed.
I will check the server and if it qualifies, ill add it to the list.
If the Server Admin given in this thread is registered under the SAME name already, then I will grant the permissions for voting.
If you aren't registered, then hurry up and post in this thread for me to know I can grant you the rights.
Please don't abuse the vote feature objectually. I want you to test the servers and know the quality before rating them, or the project is useless!
Please give me suggestions and know: Its still Beta [0.1].
More features will follow.
I need a nice designer as i REALLY suck at this term... If you can create a nice design, please send it to me per forum mail. You will be granted a vote account of course and you will be mentioned in the credits.
I hope this project has got some future. Please help me to make the website helpful.
The website URL is:
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