Topic: compile program ?


I dont know but it is pasebole to make a compile program that compile MODs for Teeworlds ?


->My 24/7 servers: [NOR] Norwegian HUB <- Back Online !! big_smile
( My grammar is getting better ! smile I think.. )


Re: compile program ?

in windows you can use TortoiseSVN for applying patches. And than u can write a simpel script for compiling wink

call "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat" x86
..\bam-0.2.0\src\bam server_release

this script is for windows and if u use Visual Studio wink Also it is the for server release. Just write this lines into a .bat file and double klick on it and tw will compile wink
The "pause" causes that u have to press a key to close the window after compiling.

You have to be sure that the pathes are the right. wink

if i find the time i maybe could wire some kind of tutorial how to apply patches and compile tw in a easy way. At least a patch tutorial would be good... the compiling stuff in docs should be enough for the rest ^^

uptee - a simple web interface for hosting and maintaining teeworlds servers
teerace - a website gathering results of trusted Race-mod servers providing global ranking and statistics
*gV* rox ^^


Re: compile program ?

@Sushi Tee

but I am on a Mac.. but tnx for the windows guide there.. smile


->My 24/7 servers: [NOR] Norwegian HUB <- Back Online !! big_smile
( My grammar is getting better ! smile I think.. )