Re: [MOD] [N]Race
Congrats Nox! I was looking for soemthing like this too
Well done aede for finaly discovering what we had to do.
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Teeworlds Forum → Fan Art and Other → [MOD] [N]Race
Congrats Nox! I was looking for soemthing like this too
Well done aede for finaly discovering what we had to do.
thx aede realy good work!! I like this mod!
i use TortoiseSVN... just right click-->create patch
my tortoise svn knows somehow no folders differents. (thus Patch files to make). I am there helpless, I take at present GNU32win.
@Nox You could change the hammer hit thing to something like sv_hammer_hit Its very easy.
I didnt have much time so i gave you the teamdamage code.
78 teleporter o.OOOOO
i have to create some funny race maps
yea, and which is best one, those function all perfectly, even with our load tests. xD
The teles are nice for Maps like 2ndlife, isn't it? ^^
Well, I thought a mappingcontest for [N]race would be nice, so I started one.
Visit: Teeworlds-Community {German}
Version 3.2.1:
- fix Info
- +save | +load for Whitelisted Users.
- wlist_remove_name - Filters a name from the Whitelist.
- wlist_show - Spends a complete list with all Whitelist Usern.
- new Alias:
-- teleport -> tele
-- teleport_to -> tele_to
-- get_pos -> pos
-- +save -> .save -> !save -> /save
-- +load-> .load-> !load-> /load
We need some persons who make us a patch file and a linux binary, with the current version...
OMG, this mod can't get much better! Thankyou for getting aede to help you, He's genius!
We have updatet, us are borring xD...
Version 3.2.2.
The new version has new entities and much more bugfixes.
Tomorow we release it here...
I have to agree with Bee you should write that the Tileset is based on his [H)-race Tilset.
Always remember he was the guy who has the Idea with the read grey and black Tiles .
Thx for inventing this type of race, your my ideal Bee :DD
I have a problem: When I start the server I see the map normal. But everyone else see the map in purple and blue boxes... So the images aren`t send to all other clients... How can I fix this?
Edit: Solved, I had to embed it.
I don't think its a bug of the mod!
It's maybe a old map or a other problem, but i think it can't be the mod.
I don't think its a bug of the mod!
It's maybe a old map or a other problem, but i think it can't be the mod.
You must embed images in the map...
the nracemod will still not compile in linux
pls replace "stricmp" which is only in available in windows with "strcmp"
btw... i made a new patch (allready with "strcmp"): nrace.patch
why on earth you need over 70 teleports?
The "linuxcompilebug" is still fixed.
We will release all the stuff with version 3.3.0.
There are a lot of updates and the next version willn't crash!
That is a secret, until the mod released. But we must fix many bugs.
Please looks on for version 3.2.2 I only post the new 3.3 version here.
I get this error wen compiling a server..
bam: building 'server_release'
[ 1/127] #1 c src/osxlaunch/server.m
powerpc-apple-darwin9-gcc-4.0.1: /wd4244: No such file or directory
bam: command returned error: 256
bam: error during build
can you fix this ??
Teeworlds Forum → Fan Art and Other → [MOD] [N]Race
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