1 (edited by Magix 2009-01-02 15:41:45)

Topic: Text Art | By Magix

I saw the other post where somebody (I forgot who) made a tee out of smileys. I got inspired by that to make these reworks of original art into text. When I started, it was uselessly bad, and no detail could be seen. So I added colour. Here are the finished products...

Mutant Tee

Gun Tee


Shotgun Tee

Splash Tee Tee

Tee Shot FU

If you have any other pictures, with a white background, and simple, like the above ones, post it here and I will text-ify it! It doesn't take me very long, and I should be done by 3 business days (weekdays)

I hope you like these.

<? php echo "Magix"; ?>
Tee-City <--------- The one Teeworlds site to rule them all!


Re: Text Art | By Magix

you know what else is cool?
Highlight Me!
Highlight all the text on the page wink

  |Skins StudioPaw Steam Icon Graphics |


Re: Text Art | By Magix

Hehe, nice arts smile)

Goodbye all. Account inactive since March 2011.


Re: Text Art | By Magix

Very nice! smile The link to the shotgun is not correct, you spelled the file extension wrong.


Re: Text Art | By Magix

It's Teetow, not Matricks.

Hooker's collection of the most Tee-ish skins!


Re: Text Art | By Magix

nice i liket it

ps: the person do you forgot is me


Re: Text Art | By Magix

OK I fixed it. Come on people!? Gimme some art to textify!

101kl, how did you do the highlighted thing?

<? php echo "Magix"; ?>
Tee-City <--------- The one Teeworlds site to rule them all!


Re: Text Art | By Magix

haha they are really cool!!!!

The dumber people think you are, the more surprised they're going to be when you kill them.


Re: Text Art | By Magix

thx XD

<? php echo "Magix"; ?>
Tee-City <--------- The one Teeworlds site to rule them all!


Re: Text Art | By Magix

ASCII?u have programm)very good

i am Russian
i love tee_)
name in game -=DefendeR=-Xawchoon;)


Re: Text Art | By Magix

No programming at all. Just too much time. smile

<? php echo "Magix"; ?>
Tee-City <--------- The one Teeworlds site to rule them all!

12 (edited by TeBob 2009-01-02 19:48:05)

Re: Text Art | By Magix

Magix wrote:

No programming at all. Just too much time. smile

Everybody know that you have used a programm (beside khubajsn,Sub Focus and Bobynator)

But how do you put in the colours??


Re: Text Art | By Magix

@bobsmiley: how do you know that? you cant prove anything...
@Magix: Using a program wink

  |Skins StudioPaw Steam Icon Graphics |


Re: Text Art | By Magix

I seriously didn't use a program. I don't think their even are programs to do this kinda thing. Me and my brother did this together (he once made a 3 feet x 5 feet banner out of text for a school project).

<? php echo "Magix"; ?>
Tee-City <--------- The one Teeworlds site to rule them all!


Re: Text Art | By Magix

http://rapidshare.com/files/179204429/A … r.exe.html


topic closed.

16 (edited by TeBob 2009-01-03 11:20:55)

Re: Text Art | By Magix

dee wrote:

topic closed.

This new members are unbelivable.

Topic closed big_smile lol

Thats funny


Re: Text Art | By Magix


  |Skins StudioPaw Steam Icon Graphics |


Re: Text Art | By Magix

yea they think they are soooooo cool!
they think they have the rights to close a very good topic"!
even if MAGIX used this programm,it doesnt mean u can close this WONDERFULL smile topic!!!!
topic closed BY DEE,the biggest!!!!!!!!!maybe i dont know smthing but only mods and devs can close topics and not new members like u dee are!!!!

that was all i wanted to say

The dumber people think you are, the more surprised they're going to be when you kill them.


Re: Text Art | By Magix

There's actually a webpage which converts pictures to colored ASCII art.
If you really did it yourself, it's great, if you didn't then don't claim you did it. tongue

bam: WARNING:'src/game/server/gamemodes/mod.cpp' comes from the future

20 (edited by Hooker 2009-01-03 15:16:41)

Re: Text Art | By Magix

So, you did this yourself, huh?
If so, try to make the Teeworlds logo WITHOUT the tee in the background.

If you can't make it, you are a lier.

It's a small task.

EDIT: And why do you want to have a white background? It's not logical. Can't you make an "art" for yourself without a white background?!

Hooker's collection of the most Tee-ish skins!


Re: Text Art | By Magix

101kl wrote:

@Magix: Using a program wink

what program do you use? (to make the highlight thing)

smile.,??????•$•??????.,:)        smile.,???????•$•???????.,:)
?????      Ps3     ?????        ?????   Ps3_main   ?????
smile.,??????•$•??????.,:)        smile.,???????•$•???????.,:)

22 (edited by Magix 2009-01-03 21:39:09)

Re: Text Art | By Magix

Forget it. I spent 4 days making these, and all I hear is "You are using a program", "your an idiot magix", "u suck", so forget it. After I make the teeworlds logo (without the tee in the background) I will never do anything for this community.

i deleted the text art. goodbye.

<? php echo "Magix"; ?>
Tee-City <--------- The one Teeworlds site to rule them all!


Re: Text Art | By Magix

That doesn't sound too good.

  |Skins StudioPaw Steam Icon Graphics |


Re: Text Art | By Magix

Magix wrote:

Forget it. I spent 4 days making these, and all I hear is "You are using a program", "your an idiot magix", "u suck", so forget it. After I make the teeworlds logo (without the tee in the background) I will never do anything for this community.

i deleted the text art. goodbye.

i begin now to hate new member,i dont know why...^^


The dumber people think you are, the more surprised they're going to be when you kill them.


Re: Text Art | By Magix

Oh come on!

Why is it that everyone starts to flame someone as soon as he/she put something here?! (Don't answer, it's a rhetorical question)
Just take it for what it is, and quit whining, please.

Used to be very active waay back