Topic: TeeWorlds : Access denied

Aloha there!
There's a strange problem with game folder on my comp...
I've unpacked the archive and tried to run the game, but instead a message 'ACCESS DENIED' popped out. It actually does, whenever I try to run on delete any file within 'TeeWorlds' folder, or delete the folder itself. WTF?

ThePuMa Clan


Re: TeeWorlds : Access denied

You probably messed something up with multiple users on the computer. If you run windows, try to do it from an administrator. If you run Linux, use either root or reset the ownership and rights of the folder.

3 (edited by mucha 2008-12-31 13:15:09)

Re: TeeWorlds : Access denied

There's only one account, it's mine and I'm the admin. That's why I'm worried.
I'm using windows XP with SP3.

ThePuMa Clan


Re: TeeWorlds : Access denied

SP3 is a fail itself, and I suspect this is the root of your problem.

We will meet again when the flowers spread their glorious scent of victory and the birds sing us the melody of justice...


Re: TeeWorlds : Access denied

windows xp pro or home? .. if you use pro.. have a look @the acces rights . because its possible to denied acces to folders for admins too
(useless because you can give you the rights to do that)

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Re: TeeWorlds : Access denied

I suposse you have tried to restart the system. Try to delete the files in Comand Prompt (I think it is its name):

Start menu>Run...
Type CMD
go to where the Teeworlds folder is and then type:
del teeworlds-0.4.3-win32 (or the name of the folder)

There is a software called "Unlocker" that may help you.