Topic: My Weapon-Mod

http://blackdragonstm.clan4um.de/f1t6-g … s-mod.html

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2 (edited by 101kl 2008-12-27 00:17:47)

Re: My Weapon-Mod

I don't know how many times iv said this.
Upload the image to THIS thread not a totally Different Forum.[EDIT] IN ANOTHER LANGUAGE!.
a Weapon mod should be like so:


All your doing is creating a entire thread dedicated to Advertising your Failed Clan.
This is Not Aloud.

Oh, your Forum Sucks and your game.png sucks.

  |Skins StudioPaw Steam Icon Graphics |


Re: My Weapon-Mod

I dont like it, sorry. I am not better - I am not arguing it, but:
1) What said 101kl, post these informations with your gameskins, too!
2) Use imageshack.us or something like this service for uploading your images (I recommend it for you)
3) I see lots of pixels, there!
4) Try to create your own game.png based on your own idea!

Goodbye all. Account inactive since March 2011.


Re: My Weapon-Mod

Closing. Nothing is in this topic but a link to another forum - totally useless.