Topic: [Tileset] khubajsns_grass_1
Hi tees
I´ve maded my first tileset. Its recoloured good_grass_main from Landil, thanks! I´ve used GIMP for make this tileset (download Gimp brush file!) and the Handwritten-crystal font. Please comment and dont forgot, this is my first tileset. If you will find something on tileset that you do not like or you find some errors, please post it here!
Khubajsn [IST-clanleader]
-------Tile file--------
Image hosted by PicOodle! and Gimp brush file hosted by MediaFire.
This tileset is based on Landil's good_grass_main tileset. Landil published that under CC-BY-NC license, and I am publishing this tileset under CC-BY-NC, too!
?? What is CC-BY-NC license ??