1 (edited by Xara 2008-09-18 21:44:10)

Topic: [MAP] tt1

Well, I have worked with the map editor for some time now, and I think it's time, to show you one of the maps I have created. In fact this map was not only made by me. The idea for this map is from Steffen94 and an earlier mapper of it was Drax, but the map as it is now was mainly made by me, though the main concept is still as it was in the beginning.

name: tt1
gametype: ctf (normal or instagib)
players: 5on5, 4on4 (3on3 is probably a little too less players, but 6on6 perhaps would be possible, too, perhaps with instagib)
size: 76 * 70 tiles, 8kb

description: It's a middle to big size ctf map, bigger than ctf1, but a little smaller than ctf2. I think the movement is quite good and smooth. If the teams are balanced, the games played on this map perhaps may take are little longer than usual, but very fascinating.

But now enough of writing, here I'll show you a screenshot of the map, as it is at the moment.


Perhaps you have notcied from my words before that it is not finished yet, it's still in a process of developement, and this is also the reason for me not uploading it, yet. This will be done when the map really is finished. But till then I would be glad to here some of your opinions about this map, and perhaps you could give me some tips, how to even improve the it.

Thanks a lot!


Re: [MAP] tt1

I looks nice. :]
Very realistic

Give others the respect you wish to be respected with. In the mean time, enjoy the website!

3 (edited by stivikivi 2008-09-17 10:14:58)

Re: [MAP] tt1

the upper team has it much easier to defense
if u make a mirror map it should be a vertically reflection then every team has the same chance

4 (edited by pAn!K - Hiryuu 2008-09-17 12:15:59)

Re: [MAP] tt1

But it's very original to see a map like this. Besides I'm not sure it's unbalanced: it's a good defense position for the upper team but the blue team has the easiest position to bring back the flag with the help of the gravity. However, it seem fun.


Re: [MAP] tt1

the map is fun i played but the point with the gravity is quite uselesse if u can´t even get the flag


Re: [MAP] tt1

Well, in the beginning I just thought as you, that the map is not really balanced, but I think it doesn't really matter which team you chose, perhaps you have a minor advantage if you are team. But the fact is, that this advantage will only be in defense, and as you perhaps noticed, the base of both of the teams are quite easy to defense. I think it was yesterday, that I tried playing on it a little with some other guys, I was in team red. The other team was quite defensive, but still atacking, but not so much, and we just weren't able to get the flag... Probably the reason for this is that there's only one entrance to each base, and I think it's the reason for games on it may take a little longer. But back to the thing about the map not being balanced, and team red being in advantage: You really have to think much about one team being in advantage. Just as you in the beginning I thought red would have it easier, but when I showed the map to my brother he said to me he thought blue was in advantage, because once they got the flag they just had to go down and catching thme would probably be very difficult because of the speed. So perhaps there are some differences in the style you have to play when your in team blue than when your in team red, perhabs you have to make more pressure and not fast attacks of one or two players, as you would probably do as team red. So I don't think that there's such a big advantege for one of the teams, but perhaps your right and it would really be better if a ctf map is mirrored only vertical, so I'll do that next time, I think, but with this map I wanted to try something differnt, because I just got bored by all those vertical fliped maps, but maybe I was wrong with it. So next map will be fliped vertical. smile