1 (edited by Ice Tea 2007-12-24 04:54:41)

Topic: Compiling The Source


I'm not that good on coding, but I tried to compile your server after i'd made the ninja weapon spawn more frequent... but it kept complaining about not finding files in "src\game\generated\*.*"  there is actually nothing in there except an useless txt :S. I did this a few days ago so I don't really remember the exact error messages but I remember that it expected files to be in "generated" but those files it's looking for were not there... btw, what compiler are you guys using? mine is complaining about your pre processing directives targeting non-existing files (the #include "..\*.*"), I had to adjust them for my compiler (Dev-C++)... So, what can I do about the missing files, as I said im not a experienced coder.

I just tried to change the respawn time on the ninja sword, but i failed since there are some stuff missing, btw i just compiled the "src\game\server\gs_server.cpp" and ignored the rest (i'd led it use #include etc ofcourse xD). Dunno if that's the right thing todo...

btw a litle tip, i minimized the spawn time of the ninja sword and if i picked it up and then picked up another ninja sword while holding the sword, i would not recieve my weapons that i had before and the ninja weapon will stay on and will be rendered useless (it wouldn't attack or anything, the character just held onto it and basicly you couldn't do anything but run until you'd respawn). (Erhm, this was done through another stupid method...)

Btw i used this source:

Thanks in advance.


Re: Compiling The Source

We use mostly gcc but we also use msvc under windows. In order to compile teewars correctly, follow these instructions. I don't know what OS you are on but I guess its windows. The commands per se wont work but I think that you can figure it out.

# mkdir teewars
# cd teewars
# wget http://www.teewars.com/files/teewars-0.3.0-src.zip
# wget http://www.teewars.com/files/bam.zip
# unzip bam.zip
# unzip teewars-0.3.0-src.zip
# cd bam
# ./make_unix.sh
# cd ../teewars-0.3.0-src
# ../bam/src/bam


Re: Compiling The Source

Hmm, still no files in "generated", ah well not a big deal, guess I'll have to read your sources before try to compile them... I'll just make a trainer that will laucnh with the server instead, Have already made one for unlimited ammo, thanks anyways...