1 (edited by |X-treme Leader| Magix 2008-09-07 02:53:53)

Topic: Good_Grass_Main

Here is my final version of an improved grass_main. On flyracev2, I saw single-tile thick grass tiles, the top being grass, the bottom no-grass. I looked for this tileset for a long time on the website, and couldn't find it, so I made my own. The single tile thick tiles don't mix with the rest because the layer of grass on them is thin. But it is stil a useful tile-set. When I found that Landil already made one, I got mad. I was struggling until i saw his, and knew how to do it. To many this may look like Landil's but it's not. There are a few aditional tiles. I strongly recomend making this the grass_main in 5.x. So...here it is!


To download it, right click it and save-as.

o_0 Magix 0_o


Re: Good_Grass_Main

Nice good work


Re: Good_Grass_Main

good idea but:
- there are several mistakes in it
- you would have to embed it (+150KB)


Re: Good_Grass_Main

Would be a good one but the quality sucks...

Qi - high level gaming


Re: Good_Grass_Main

i strongly recommend to rework it. Quality is what matters!

Antoine de Saint Exupéry: It seems that perfection is reached not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.
Besides -  I am the gfx guy!

6 (edited by [_Xe'n'eX_] 2008-08-28 17:38:41)

Re: Good_Grass_Main

A good idea, but there are some small buggs...
Sometime i thought about something like this.
I could edit those buggs, if you want.

I think this Topic should be in Grafics...

I´ll make my own xD

MyRace:   |   run_fool
Me:    |   Pennergame
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7 (edited by Landil 2008-08-28 17:30:56)

Re: Good_Grass_Main

Hrhr this really sucks.

http://img382.imageshack.us/img382/3899/proofua6.png I compared those two tiles with a difference function - black means perfect match!

XD Well done Mr. Copycat or was it magic?

Antoine de Saint Exupéry: It seems that perfection is reached not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.
Besides -  I am the gfx guy!

8 (edited by toni 2008-08-28 18:30:58)

Re: Good_Grass_Main

toni wrote:

good idea but...

actually its no good idea^^
nobody wants to download a new tileset,
especially if it looks almost like the normal one.
i suggest creating a selfmade NEW Tileset


Re: Good_Grass_Main

LOL! Oh dear...



Re: Good_Grass_Main

This is so fuc*** funny, I rofl the whole day. XD

Antoine de Saint Exupéry: It seems that perfection is reached not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.
Besides -  I am the gfx guy!

11 (edited by catpaw 2008-08-29 14:25:59)

Re: Good_Grass_Main

Especially if he would says.. well cudos to Landil. I have hereby IMHO improved his version by this or that".
I guess nobody would complain, and think its fine, but no he explicitly said:

|X-treme Leader| Magix wrote:

To many this may look like Landil's but it's not.

what a pity :-) You lose X-treme.


Re: Good_Grass_Main

Magix, try to rework it to fix all the bugs, and make a nice edit to make it quite diff. from landil's. smile

I'll be smarter if you try to be nicer. (lol big_smile )


Re: Good_Grass_Main

Im going to crate a new now, i think...

I´ll post it, if i finished it!

MyRace:   |   run_fool
Me:    |   Pennergame
Clan:    |   «Òó°L»


Re: Good_Grass_Main

lawl landil it it yours. i never said it wasnt. i said there are a few additional tiles. xenex please do make a good good_grass_main. then post it up. i dont expect people to use it because its huge, but this should become grass_main in the new version, because it has a lot of good tiles

o_0 Magix 0_o


Re: Good_Grass_Main

|X-treme Leader| Magix wrote:

To many this may look like Landil's but it's not.

|X-treme Leader| Magix wrote:

lawl landil it it yours. i never said it wasnt.


Used to be very active waay back


Re: Good_Grass_Main



Re: Good_Grass_Main

hrhr outstanding!

Antoine de Saint Exupéry: It seems that perfection is reached not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.
Besides -  I am the gfx guy!


Re: Good_Grass_Main

Here is my "beta" version of my Good_Grass_Main:


MyRace:   |   run_fool
Me:    |   Pennergame
Clan:    |   «Òó°L»