Topic: Server Hosting

Hi @ all,
I'am thinking about setting up teeworlds servers to rent (because I don't find any of such offers in the internet). (And I am planning to donate 50% of the profit to the teeworlds project) and I want to ask if there is need for such an offer? If you have interest how much would you like to pay for such a service?

Hope this request is not against the forum rules (didn't find them that fast...) If it is please delete!



Re: Server Hosting

There once was a similar thread, and no one wanted to pay for some teeworlds server.

bam: WARNING:'src/game/server/gamemodes/mod.cpp' comes from the future


Re: Server Hosting

Ok, Thanks for reply!

4 (edited by Landil 2008-08-23 11:01:35)

Re: Server Hosting

Imo a price of one slot has to be < 10 SEK (~1€) per month, that so. is willing to buy a server. At least, that's my subjective impression.

Antoine de Saint Exupéry: It seems that perfection is reached not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.
Besides -  I am the gfx guy!

5 (edited by Dreamy 2008-08-24 13:08:32)

Re: Server Hosting

I might be interested in buying such a service. Depends.

-It would need to be well explained somewhere how I start it up, close it down, change config files and upload maps remotely. I´m not experienced in that kind of stuff.
-How stable would it be and what pings would people get to it in different parts of Europe? It would need to be noticably better than hosting at my home computer to be worth the effort.
-What would it cost? I could definitely pay a few times more than "10 SEK per month", but it needs to feel worth it.