Topic: [MAP] Towerdefence3.0

Hi i create a new Tower-Defence.
It's not dircet a Tower but the rules are the same.

Map Download Link

Please Post new Ideas.

Your Janschi

Edit: I post the map new, because my old post was deleted.
Dont know why.


Re: [MAP] Towerdefence3.0

well... I think it needs a Mod... and I don't have it, so you're map is useless without it. because I don't come out of the middle area with Bowser in it... not funny xD

You just got pwnd!


Re: [MAP] Towerdefence3.0

Ugh... double embedded my mario_allstars and mario_bg1 tilesets, this just makes the map bigger. It's enough to embedd each file one time. ^^ Delete one mario_allstars and mario_bg1 from your map, this will make it smaller (236kb is huge for some TW map).

bam: WARNING:'src/game/server/gamemodes/mod.cpp' comes from the future


Re: [MAP] Towerdefence3.0

No i need all two.

And You must use Teleport.


Re: [MAP] Towerdefence3.0

Uh... please tell me the reason why you need both tilesets two times, I don't get why you need them more than one time. Did you modify one of the tilesets and they aren't even the same? If both of the tilesets are really the same, there is no reason to embedd them two times.

bam: WARNING:'src/game/server/gamemodes/mod.cpp' comes from the future


Re: [MAP] Towerdefence3.0


"Multiple exclamation marks," he went on, shaking his head, "are a sure sign of a diseased mind." - Terry Pratchett -


Re: [MAP] Towerdefence3.0

Uh... why are you posting the screenshot in some new post, when it's already available on the first post? tongue

bam: WARNING:'src/game/server/gamemodes/mod.cpp' comes from the future