Topic: Trying to run as not root and fails to start...
I had been running the server as root, but I want to set up a shared server for someone and naturally dont want to do that on this server. I copied the config from one of my working server and tried to start it as the new user account, but the server fails to start. I get messages like this:
[2020-05-29 04:37:57][engine]: running on unix-linux-amd64
[2020-05-29 04:37:57][engine]: arch is little endian
[2020-05-29 04:37:57][storage]: added path '/home/twowner/.teeworlds'
[2020-05-29 04:37:57][storage]: added path '$CURRENTDIR' ('/home/twowner/twserver')
[2020-05-29 04:37:57][storage]: added path '$APPDIR' ('.')
[2020-05-29 04:37:57][console]: executing 'autoexec.cfg'
[2020-05-29 04:37:57][console]: executing 'twserver.cfg'
[2020-05-29 04:37:57][server]: added option 'RESTART IN 10s' 'restart 10'
[2020-05-29 04:37:57][server]: added option 'Gamemode: DM' 'exec dm.cfg'
[2020-05-29 04:37:57][server]: added option 'Gamemode: CTF' 'exec ctf.cfg'
[2020-05-29 04:37:57][server]: added option 'Gamemode: TDM' 'exec tdm.cfg'
[2020-05-29 04:37:57][server]: added option 'Gamemode: TDM (DUEL)' 'exec duel.cfg'
[2020-05-29 04:37:57][server]: added option 'Map: ctf1' 'change_map ctf1'
[2020-05-29 04:37:57][server]: added option 'Map: ctf2' 'change_map ctf2'
[2020-05-29 04:37:57][server]: added option 'Map: ctf3' 'change_map ctf3'
[2020-05-29 04:37:57][server]: added option 'Map: ctf4' 'change_map ctf4'
[2020-05-29 04:37:57][server]: added option 'Map: ctf5' 'change_map ctf5'
[2020-05-29 04:37:57][server]: added option 'Map: dm1' 'change_map dm1'
[2020-05-29 04:37:57][server]: added option 'Map: dm2' 'change_map dm2'
[2020-05-29 04:37:57][server]: added option 'Map: dm6' 'change_map dm6'
[2020-05-29 04:37:57][server]: added option 'Map: dm7' 'change_map dm7'
[2020-05-29 04:37:57][server]: added option 'Map: dm8' 'change_map dm8'
[2020-05-29 04:37:57][server]: added option 'Map: dm9' 'change_map dm9'
[2020-05-29 04:37:57][server]: starting...
[2020-05-29 04:37:57][mapchecker]: invalid standard map
[2020-05-29 04:37:57][server]: failed to load map. mapname='dm1'
and my config file is:
sv_name "ZtC Map Testing"
sv_motd Welcome to the Gameplayer Club Teeworlds Server - Get more info about our games at
sv_rcon_password "getserious"
password ""
sv_max_clients 16
sv_port 8305
sv_external_port 8305
sv_register 1
sv_spamprotection 0
sv_warmup 10
logfile "teeworlds.log"
add_vote "RESTART IN 10s" "restart 10"
add_vote "Gamemode: DM" "exec dm.cfg"
add_vote "Gamemode: CTF" "exec ctf.cfg"
add_vote "Gamemode: TDM" "exec tdm.cfg"
add_vote "Gamemode: TDM (DUEL)" "exec duel.cfg"
add_vote "Map: ctf1" "change_map ctf1"
add_vote "Map: ctf2" "change_map ctf2"
add_vote "Map: ctf3" "change_map ctf3"
add_vote "Map: ctf4" "change_map ctf4"
add_vote "Map: ctf5" "change_map ctf5"
add_vote "Map: dm1" "change_map dm1"
add_vote "Map: dm2" "change_map dm2"
add_vote "Map: dm6" "change_map dm6"
add_vote "Map: dm7" "change_map dm7"
add_vote "Map: dm8" "change_map dm8"
add_vote "Map: dm9" "change_map dm9"
Any ideas?