Topic: Comments/Suggestions

Hi all,

  After playing 0.4.2 for a few weeks now, I feel it's time for comments...

  I would still like to see another two new weapons; Lightning Gun and Blow Pipe.
  See these threads for details:
http://www.teeworlds.com/forum/viewtopi … 2243#p2243
http://www.teeworlds.com/forum/viewtopi … 2253#p2253

  I really dislike that players can now recieve life damage before all armor is gone!

  When a round is completed and a new map is loaded, any player that was previously in spectator mode enters the next round as a player - please fix this!

  There seems to be a bug with the text at the bottom left after starting a new round in a new map. I've noticed that if no one speaks (types) then the text at the bottom left does not go away! This is VERY annoying as you can't see the Tees that well under it tongue which is why I've gotten into the habit of typing a pointless message at the start of new rounds to make sure the text goes away. (note, I play in Windowed mode on a Vista machine).

  I would really, really like to see the addition of blocks that can block a players progress, but which can not be chained! This is something a mapper could really use to great effect in maps (stop climbing etc).

  All the default maps are still great smile and the new Sand tile theme looks good, though I still dislike the main tiles in the winter theme!
http://www.teeworlds.com/forum/viewtopi … 3485#p3485

  Could you please allow the single player testing of maps from within the editor! It would be very helpful if from within the editor that a mapper could play the map solo to test movement, without having to start a seperate server.

  With the next release, can you please including template maps! A template map would have the theme set loaded and the background layer created. One template map per background/theme set would be perfect!



Re: Comments/Suggestions

great ideas!
good man!^^


Re: Comments/Suggestions

I agree with you on all points except about the weapons. I don't think there are a need for any new weapons.

Used to be very active waay back


Re: Comments/Suggestions

a lightning gun would be funny