Topic: Cmake insted of bam.

Why not use cmake instead of bam. It has more features works on more platforms and is simpler to write scripts for. I could write some patches to have teeworlds use cmake. Any reason why bam is needed over cmake.


Re: Cmake insted of bam.

"not invented here syndrome"? smile smile


Re: Cmake insted of bam.

This has been discussed by me in great length in other threads. Search for em.


Re: Cmake insted of bam.

Searched for a bit using google and the built in search. Cant find anything other than one thread about teeworlds in bsd. but there is does not say anything about using bam instead of cmake.


Re: Cmake insted of bam.

I found http://teeworlds.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=458 But it never talks about cmake. Cmake is much better than the alternatives.


Re: Cmake insted of bam.

Still, the answer is no. I really like how bam performs and behaves and I will continue to develop it further to make it support the missing stuff.

7 (edited by catpaw 2008-05-08 20:58:25)

Re: Cmake insted of bam.

bobjr777, look when a guy wrote a tool himself, nothing ever will make him throw it away, regardless of the quality of alternatives or the difference is only perceived because you know your stuff much better than anybody elses. This whole discussion is pointless IMHO. Personally I don't know cmake nor know bam, so I don't have any opinion on this.

I only managed some years ago big projects at work with classic make. Make isn't that bad if you know the tips and tricks of it. You can even use gcc to automatically generate correct header file depencies. Normally make is at least sufficient for "little small" projects like linux kernel, gnu c compiler, gnu c library, and so on. I don't know what big project is then smile


Re: Cmake insted of bam.

Believe me, I've tried all the other build systems, scons is by far the nicest to work with but when it comes to performance it just plainly sucks. Make has the problem that it works very well with gcc, but fall apart under windows with visual c++ due to that you can't make the dependency stuff anymore.


Re: Cmake insted of bam.

Most projects I've seen that dual compile unix / windows use either a gnu-like toolchain on windows like mingw and gmake for windows... or a dual build using a standard microsoft projects file to use in windows.

Personally I'd rather love to see development going into teeworlds than into a "yet another buildtool", but a) I hardly in the position to tell any free person what to do. and b) possibly in a decade belong to the group of people who didn't see the ingenuity of this new thing in the beginning that now everybody uses. Who knows smile