Topic: Post Your Weapon Suggestions Here.
Like the topic says, do you have any interesting weapon ideas? If so, we would love to se them!
One thing worth mentioning is that the dev team early on decided that there would be no automatic rifle/weapons. one of the reason for this is due to the fact that it's alot simpler aim in 2d than i our 3d counterparts and that would just make it to easy to use, another reason is stray bullets, there would probably be alot of "luck" kills off your screen just becaus of some bullets that missed the intetional target. now luck is fun sure. but luck by design in a skillbased game. But hey, If you dont agree with this and would love to se an automatic weapon i teewars, just argue with us ^^ suggest it anyways
Here are the weapon suggestions from the "What should we focus on." thread.
Matricks Weapon ideas:
Sludge Gun
* A weapon that shoots sludge at players.
* Makes them move slower and heavier.
* The more sludge the slower they move.
* Stacks up to 2-3 times.
* Low damage.
Mjolnir / Lightning Gun
* Fires a lightning going straight forwards.
* If it hits a player, it deals X damage
* It jumps to players in the vicinity dealing X-1 dmg until X becomes zero
* Should not deal as much damage on first target as rocket or shotgun
* Should be used in situations where you fire at multiple targets more.
Nic2's Weapon ideas:
* Bounces when hit walls and explodes after some time 1-2 sec.
* Damage 2-5 or something, and do area of effect damage.
* Might be a good idea to limit to one per map and have a long respawn time on it.
* Sets tees on fire so they take dmg over time, though not much and not for long.
* Maybe burn through armor.
* Heavy weapon that spews rounds all over the place.
* Very high rate of fire but low damage, maybe make the tees unable to move while fireing.
Poison dart
* The player gets one dart and throw it a short distance and it flys in an arch.
* When a player is hit by the dart the poison makes the tee swell,
like a baloon and starts to rise from the ground making him unable to move
(except with the hook) and more vurnable to attacks (like double damage),
the poison would last max 2sec I think.
* The dart does no damage by itself.
Throwing dagger
* The daggers would decline after some distance when thrown and not go in a straight line like a bullet.
* Should do much damage as they are hard to hit with them.
Sticky bomb
* Thrown like a grenade but will stick to walls and tees and detonate after 1sec.
Stake gun
* Fires a large pole that goes through tees.
Say if there are two or three tees in a row it will hit and damage the first,
then continue through him and hit the second one and damage him
and then through him to the third and damage him.
(Maybe only go through one tee and maybe do less damage after each 'go through')