Topic: On the first day of Christeemas...

On the first day of Christeemas, Santee brought to me...
... a chat upgrade! Featuring:

- Persistent chat
Chat will not be cleared when rotating maps on a server.

- Chat pages
Scroll far away in the past of your conversations. Pageup/Pagedown let you go back and read about that one thing your teemate said a while ago, without using the console.

- Save it for later (#2123)
You're taking a break to chat, but see a fiercy tee coming at you? Click anywhere on the mouse while chatting to immediately resume playing and save your text for later.

- Permanent mute (#2234)
Teeworlds will now remember the name of the bad tees you don't want to hear about!
Also, muting a tee will now clear the chat from its messages, reducing spam. (#2110)


Not Luck, Just Magic.


Re: On the first day of Christeemas...

Thank you Santee(s)! smile