1 (edited by El BobLex 2018-05-27 19:47:14)

Topic: DDWar Linux Compiled

So I'm a complete noob at Linux but i think i managed to compile DDWar by eeeee and fisted for Linux. I dont even know how to test it because i have no idea how to make an autoexec.cfg in Linux and to setup all that stuff up. Anyways, if someone could confirm that it works that would be great!

Link: https://mega.nz/#!ld8nVYzK!DdwMzp64OCmu … FnVROF0_2s

Edit: Tested and works. All you need is to have a cfg file and call it 'autoexec' and then setup the server settings inside it as normal. No need to add sv_gametype as this can stop the mod from working properly so just leave it out.


Re: DDWar Linux Compiled


Windows Server Setup:

Use the autoexec.cfg made there or whatever other .cfg file was made there and rename it to autoexec.cfg using the command in a terminal:

mv serverconfig.cfg autoexec.cfg

basic directory switching is:
go into the subfolder

cd Foldername

go back to the parent folder

cd ../

checking folder content:


to make the file executable(giving the executable rights) you execute the terminal command:

chmod +x teeworlds_srv

after having created the autoexec.cfg file and allowed execution of the server file in the same folder, you simply start the server using:

./teeworlds_srv -f autoexec.cfg

because the config file is called autoexec.cfg,
it is also possible to use a shorted command to start the server, which is:


also if you want to edit your config file, you can easily do that using the editor nano.
simply "cd /server_folder/" and execute:

nano autoexec.cfg

After editing the file, you can close and confirm saving the file content with "ctrl + x"

PS.: Nobody in his/her right mind is going to download an executable from who knows where/whom and execute it on their machine/vps/server.

Teeworlds [ friends ] clan
Some YouTube Stuff about Teeworlds


Re: DDWar Linux Compiled

Thank you for showing me how to do this, I have just tested it and can confirm that it does work! I know quite a few people wanted a linux version of DDWar and since the old website is down i had to do this.


Re: DDWar Linux Compiled

I think would be better to share the source instead of an executable. Github is the best way.

Teeworlds [ friends ] clan
Some YouTube Stuff about Teeworlds


Re: DDWar Linux Compiled

jxsl13 wrote:

I think would be better to share the source instead of an executable. Github is the best way.

The source is here https://github.com/fstd/teeworlds/tree/ddwar_noadmin