1 (edited by Quatria 2016-11-15 12:32:11)

Topic: [MAP] ctf5_upsidedown

Turned ctf5 upsidedown:

image: http://i.imgur.com/UJU8EkZ.png
file: http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?fi … 5008632194

Only did tiny changes, because some areas became unreachable.
Most likley not a good map, but i thought it might be fun to try it out smile


Re: [MAP] ctf5_upsidedown

I like the spawn that make you fall directly and die lol


Re: [MAP] ctf5_upsidedown

necropotame wrote:

I like the spawn that make you fall directly and die lol

You need to hook fast big_smile

necro i thought also about turning infc_bamboo upsidedown. I think it has great potential for an upsidedown map.
Maybe change a little bit and add a bit. What do you think?
This way you could create a new map, with little effort, maybe smile


Re: [MAP] ctf5_upsidedown

I will make a night version with some layout change and infected area at the top.


Re: [MAP] ctf5_upsidedown

necropotame wrote:

I will make a night version with some layout change and infected area at the top.

Oh so you already have plans for it.

Do you mind if i change maps from you and upload them here?

6 (edited by Schwertspize 2016-11-15 17:18:06)

Re: [MAP] ctf5_upsidedown

I actually like tuning gravity -0.5 more tongue (and tuning jumping to go down. Same effect

Having troubles finding servers in the serverlist? Go to Pastebin (its a referer cause there is daily a new pastebin) and add the lines to your settings.cfg (in %APPDATA%\teeworlds). Then open teeworlds and go to the favorites tab. (Note however, standard teeworlds client can only show 256 favorites, use ddnet instead)


Re: [MAP] ctf5_upsidedown

Schwertspize wrote:

I actually like tuning gravity -0.5 more tongue (and tuning jumping to go down. Same effect

lol thats so wierd, i dident even know that was possible.
Imagine people playing like this against each other and make a video and then in the end flip the video upside down
haha, it would be so confusing to look at


Re: [MAP] ctf5_upsidedown

Schwertspize wrote:

I actually like tuning gravity -0.5 more tongue (and tuning jumping to go down. Same effect

You won't get your double jump back on the ceiling though.


Re: [MAP] ctf5_upsidedown

Quatria wrote:
necropotame wrote:

I will make a night version with some layout change and infected area at the top.

Oh so you already have plans for it.

Do you mind if i change maps from you and upload them here?

They are open source smile We can discuss it on IRC (#infclass, QuakeNet), if you want some feedback and advices.