Siile wrote:unsigned char* wrote:Are not you overusing the metaballs?
Are you not aware of the blood amount setting?
Ninslash can now be found at For those who want to support - Comment, rate, follow.
xDD yeah... perhaps in movement looks good...
No link to linux binary in gamejolt = No party
I downloaded the client from ninslash website and:
- On first run the client got unexpectedly closed
- Client can't generate "conveyor belts"...
[58d6b767][engine]: running on unix-linux-amd64
[58d6b767][engine]: arch is little endian
[58d6b767][storage]: couldn't open storage.cfg
[58d6b767][storage]: using standard paths
[58d6b767][storage]: added path '$USERDIR' ('/home/uchar/.ninslash')
[58d6b767][storage]: added path '$DATADIR' ('data')
[58d6b767][storage]: added path '$CURRENTDIR' ('/home/uchar/Descargas/ninslash_unix')
[58d6b767][binds]: bound f1 (58) = toggle_local_console
[58d6b767][binds]: bound f2 (59) = toggle_remote_console
[58d6b767][binds]: bound tab (43) = +scoreboard
[58d6b767][binds]: bound u (24) = +show_chat
[58d6b767][binds]: bound f10 (67) = screenshot
[58d6b767][binds]: bound s (22) = +down
[58d6b767][binds]: bound a (4) = +left
[58d6b767][binds]: bound d (7) = +right
[58d6b767][binds]: bound space (44) = +jump
[58d6b767][binds]: bound mouse1 (285) = +fire
[58d6b767][binds]: bound mouse2 (286) = +turbo
[58d6b767][binds]: bound e (8) = +picker
[58d6b767][binds]: bound q (20) = +build
[58d6b767][binds]: bound mouse3 (287) = +lastweapon
[58d6b767][binds]: bound f (9) = +dropweapon
[58d6b767][binds]: bound lshift (225) = +emote
[58d6b767][binds]: bound rshift (229) = +spectate
[58d6b767][binds]: bound right (79) = spectate_next
[58d6b767][binds]: bound left (80) = spectate_previous
[58d6b767][binds]: bound &301 (301) = +gamepadjump
[58d6b767][binds]: bound &302 (302) = +gamepadleft
[58d6b767][binds]: bound &303 (303) = +gamepadright
[58d6b767][binds]: bound &311 (311) = +gamepadfire
[58d6b767][binds]: bound &310 (310) = +gamepadturbo
[58d6b767][binds]: bound &312 (312) = +gamepadpicker
[58d6b767][binds]: bound &308 (308) = +gamepadweapon1
[58d6b767][binds]: bound &309 (309) = +gamepadweapon2
[58d6b767][binds]: bound &299 (299) = +gamepadscoreboard
[58d6b767][binds]: bound 1 (30) = +weapon2
[58d6b767][binds]: bound 2 (31) = +weapon3
[58d6b767][binds]: bound 3 (32) = +weapon4
[58d6b767][binds]: bound 4 (33) = +weapon5
[58d6b767][binds]: bound 5 (34) = +weapon6
[58d6b767][binds]: bound 6 (35) = +weapon7
[58d6b767][binds]: bound 7 (36) = +weapon8
[58d6b767][binds]: bound 8 (37) = +weapon9
[58d6b767][binds]: bound 9 (38) = +weapon10
[58d6b767][binds]: bound mousewheelup (293) = +prevweapon
[58d6b767][binds]: bound mousewheeldown (294) = +nextweapon
[58d6b767][binds]: bound t (23) = chat all
[58d6b767][binds]: bound y (28) = chat team
[58d6b767][binds]: bound f3 (60) = vote yes
[58d6b767][binds]: bound f4 (61) = vote no
[58d6b767][console]: executing 'settings.cfg'
[58d6b767][binds]: bound a (4) = +left
[58d6b767][binds]: bound d (7) = +right
[58d6b767][binds]: bound e (8) = +picker
[58d6b767][binds]: bound f (9) = +dropweapon
[58d6b767][binds]: bound q (20) = +lastweapon
[58d6b767][binds]: bound t (23) = chat all
[58d6b767][binds]: bound u (24) = +show_chat
[58d6b767][binds]: bound y (28) = chat team
[58d6b767][binds]: bound 1 (30) = +weapon1
[58d6b767][binds]: bound 2 (31) = +weapon2
[58d6b767][binds]: bound 3 (32) = +weapon3
[58d6b767][binds]: bound 4 (33) = +weapon4
[58d6b767][binds]: bound 5 (34) = +weapon5
[58d6b767][binds]: bound tab (43) = +scoreboard
[58d6b767][binds]: bound space (44) = +jump
[58d6b767][binds]: bound f1 (58) = toggle_local_console
[58d6b767][binds]: bound f2 (59) = toggle_remote_console
[58d6b767][binds]: bound f3 (60) = vote yes
[58d6b767][binds]: bound f4 (61) = vote no
[58d6b767][binds]: bound f10 (67) = screenshot
[58d6b767][binds]: bound right (79) = spectate_next
[58d6b767][binds]: bound left (80) = spectate_previous
[58d6b767][binds]: bound lshift (225) = +emote
[58d6b767][binds]: bound rshift (229) = +spectate
[58d6b767][binds]: bound mouse1 (285) = +fire
[58d6b767][binds]: bound mouse2 (286) = +turbo
[58d6b767][binds]: bound mousewheelup (293) = +prevweapon
[58d6b767][binds]: bound mousewheeldown (294) = +nextweapon
[58d6b767][binds]: bound &299 (299) = +gamepadscoreboard
[58d6b767][binds]: bound &301 (301) = +gamepadjump
[58d6b767][binds]: bound &302 (302) = +gamepadleft
[58d6b767][binds]: bound &303 (303) = +gamepadright
[58d6b767][binds]: bound &308 (308) = +gamepadweapon1
[58d6b767][binds]: bound &309 (309) = +gamepadweapon2
[58d6b767][binds]: bound &310 (310) = +gamepadturbo
[58d6b767][binds]: bound &311 (311) = +gamepadfire
[58d6b767][binds]: bound &312 (312) = +gamepadpicker
[58d6b767][console]: executing 'autoexec.cfg'
[58d6b767][Console]: No such command: sv_port.
[58d6b767][Console]: No such command: sv_rcon_password.
[58d6b767][Console]: No such command: sv_name.
[58d6b767][Console]: No such command: sv_motd.
[58d6b767][Console]: No such command: sv_gametype.
[58d6b767][Console]: No such command: sv_enablebuilding.
[58d6b767][Console]: No such command: sv_warmup.
[58d6b767][Console]: No such command: sv_scorelimit.
[58d6b767][Console]: No such command: sv_preferredteamsize.
[58d6b767][Console]: No such command: sv_maprotation.
[58d6b767][Console]: No such command: sv_map.
[58d6b767][Console]: No such command: sv_randomweapons.
[58d6b767][Console]: No such command: add_vote.
[58d6b767][Console]: No such command: add_vote.
[58d6b767][Console]: No such command: add_vote.
[58d6b767][Console]: No such command: add_vote.
[58d6b767][Console]: No such command: add_vote.
[58d6b767][Console]: No such command: add_vote.
[58d6b767][Console]: No such command: add_vote.
[58d6b767][Console]: No such command: add_vote.
[58d6b767][Console]: No such command: add_vote.
[58d6b767][Console]: No such command: add_vote.
[58d6b767][Console]: No such command: add_vote.
[58d6b767][Console]: No such command: add_vote.
[58d6b767][Console]: No such command: add_vote.
[58d6b767][Console]: No such command: add_vote.
[58d6b767][Console]: No such command: add_vote.
[58d6b767][Console]: No such command: add_vote.
[58d6b767][Console]: No such command: add_vote.
[58d6b767][Console]: No such command: add_vote.
[58d6b767][Console]: No such command: add_vote.
[58d6b767][Console]: No such command: add_vote.
[58d6b767][Console]: No such command: add_vote.
[58d6b767][Console]: No such command: add_vote.
[58d6b767][Console]: No such command: add_vote.
[58d6b767][Console]: No such command: add_vote.
[58d6b767][Console]: No such command: ".
[58d6b767][Console]: No such command: add_vote.
[58d6b767][Console]: No such command: add_vote.
[58d6b767][client]: starting...
[58d6b767][gfx]: shaders ok!
[58d6b768][client/sound]: sound init successful
[58d6b768][engine/mastersrv]: refreshing master server addresses
[58d6b768][textrender]: loaded pFont from 'data/fonts/DejaVuSans.ttf'
[58d6b768][textrender]: default pFont set 0x213b7c0
[58d6b768][gameclient]: init all components
[58d6b768][]: pFont memory usage: 2097152
[58d6b768][gameclient]: load textures
[58d6b768][gameclient]: reset components
[58d6b768][gameclient]: initialisation finished after 752.33ms
[58d6b768][spine]: load file: data/anim/body1.json
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: airjump
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: dance
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: falldamage
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: idle
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: jump
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: jumpback
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: jumppad
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: roll
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: roll_down
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: roll_up
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: run
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: runback
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: scaletest
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: slide
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: slide_back
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: slide_down
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: slide_front
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: slide_jump
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: slide_up
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: sliderun
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: sliderun_back
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: test
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: walk
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: wall
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: walljump
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: wallrun
[58d6b768][spine]: load atlas file: data/anim/body1.atlas
[58d6b768][spine]: atlas size: 256,256
[58d6b768][spine]: atlas format: RGBA8888
[58d6b768][spine]: atlas filter: Linear,Linear
[58d6b768][spine]: load file: data/anim/body2.json
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: airjump
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: dance
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: falldamage
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: idle
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: jump
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: jumpback
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: jumppad
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: roll
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: roll_down
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: roll_up
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: run
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: runback
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: scaletest
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: slide
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: slide_back
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: slide_down
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: slide_front
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: slide_jump
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: slide_up
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: sliderun
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: sliderun_back
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: test
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: walk
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: wall
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: walljump
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: wallrun
[58d6b768][spine]: load atlas file: data/anim/body2.atlas
[58d6b768][spine]: atlas size: 256,256
[58d6b768][spine]: atlas format: RGBA8888
[58d6b768][spine]: atlas filter: Linear,Linear
[58d6b768][spine]: load file: data/anim/body3.json
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: airjump
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: dance
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: falldamage
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: idle
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: jump
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: jump_ground_fail
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: jump_slide_fail
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: jumpback
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: jumppad
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: roll
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: roll_down
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: roll_up
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: run
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: runback
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: scaletest
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: slide
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: slide_back
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: slide_down
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: slide_front
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: slide_jump
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: slide_up
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: sliderun
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: sliderun_back
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: test
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: walk
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: wall
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: walljump
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: wallrun
[58d6b768][spine]: load atlas file: data/anim/body3.atlas
[58d6b768][spine]: atlas size: 256,256
[58d6b768][spine]: atlas format: RGBA8888
[58d6b768][spine]: atlas filter: Linear,Linear
[58d6b768][spine]: load file: data/anim/robo1.json
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: airjump
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: dance
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: falldamage
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: idle
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: jump
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: jumpback
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: roll
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: roll_down
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: roll_up
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: run
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: runback
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: scaletest
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: slide
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: slide_back
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: slide_down
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: slide_front
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: slide_jump
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: slide_up
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: sliderun
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: sliderun_back
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: test
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: walk
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: wall
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: walljump
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: wallrun
[58d6b768][spine]: load atlas file: data/anim/robo1.atlas
[58d6b768][spine]: atlas size: 256,256
[58d6b768][spine]: atlas format: RGBA8888
[58d6b768][spine]: atlas filter: Linear,Linear
[58d6b768][spine]: load file: data/anim/robo2.json
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: airjump
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: dance
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: falldamage
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: idle
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: jump
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: jumpback
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: roll
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: roll_down
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: roll_up
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: run
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: runback
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: scaletest
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: slide
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: slide_back
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: slide_down
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: slide_front
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: slide_jump
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: slide_up
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: sliderun
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: sliderun_back
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: test
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: walk
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: wall
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: walljump
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: wallrun
[58d6b768][spine]: load atlas file: data/anim/robo2.atlas
[58d6b768][spine]: atlas size: 256,256
[58d6b768][spine]: atlas format: RGBA8888
[58d6b768][spine]: atlas filter: Linear,Linear
[58d6b768][spine]: load file: data/anim/walker.json
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: idle
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: move
[58d6b768][spine]: load atlas file: data/anim/walker.atlas
[58d6b768][spine]: atlas size: 1024,256
[58d6b768][spine]: atlas format: RGBA8888
[58d6b768][spine]: atlas filter: Linear,Linear
[58d6b768][spine]: load file: data/anim/drone.json
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: idle
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: start
[58d6b768][spine]: load atlas file: data/anim/drone.atlas
[58d6b768][spine]: atlas size: 512,256
[58d6b768][spine]: atlas format: RGBA8888
[58d6b768][spine]: atlas filter: Linear,Linear
[58d6b768][spine]: load file: data/anim/walker_bottom.json
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: idle
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: fall
[58d6b768][spine]: load atlas file: data/anim/walker_bottom.atlas
[58d6b768][spine]: atlas size: 512,128
[58d6b768][spine]: atlas format: RGBA8888
[58d6b768][spine]: atlas filter: Linear,Linear
[58d6b768][spine]: load file: data/anim/door1.json
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: closed
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: open
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: opened
[58d6b768][spine]: load atlas file: data/anim/door1.atlas
[58d6b768][spine]: atlas size: 1024,512
[58d6b768][spine]: atlas format: RGBA8888
[58d6b768][spine]: atlas filter: Linear,Linear
[58d6b768][spine]: load file: data/anim/jumppad.json
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: idle
[58d6b768][spine]: animation: trigger
[58d6b768][spine]: load atlas file: data/anim/jumppad.atlas
[58d6b768][spine]: atlas size: 256,128
[58d6b768][spine]: atlas format: RGBA8888
[58d6b768][spine]: atlas filter: Linear,Linear
[58d6b768][client]: version 0.2.324e837bc0096c990
[58d6b768][engine/mastersrv]: saving addresses
[58d6b768][]: pFont memory usage: 2621440
[58d6b768][]: pFont memory usage: 2883584
[58d6b768][]: pFont memory usage: 3014656
[58d6b768][]: pFont memory usage: 3276800
[58d6b768][]: pFont memory usage: 3407872
[58d6b768][]: pFont memory usage: 3538944
[58d6b768][]: pFont memory usage: 3801088
[58d6b769][render]: creating texture buffers
[58d6b769][render]: glew ready
[58d6b769][render]: texture buffers created (1024, 768)
[58d6b773][client]: disconnecting. reason='unknown'
[58d6b773][client]: connecting to ''
[58d6b773][]: pFont memory usage: 4849664
[58d6b773][client]: connected, sending info
[58d6b774][client]: loading map, map=lab4 wanted crc=dffc748d
[58d6b774][datafile]: loading. filename='maps/'
[58d6b774][datafile]: allocsize=1288
[58d6b774][datafile]: readsize=1072
[58d6b774][datafile]: swaplen=1092
[58d6b774][datafile]: item_size=836
[58d6b774][datafile]: loading done. datafile='maps/'
[58d6b774][client]: loaded map 'maps/'
[58d6b774][client/network]: loading done
[58d6b774][datafile]: loading data index=9 size=634 uncompressed=29328
[58d6b774][datafile]: loading data index=7 size=827 uncompressed=21844
[58d6b774][datafile]: loading data index=8 size=729 uncompressed=28600
[58d6b774][datafile]: loading data index=10 size=1590 uncompressed=31104
[58d6b774][datafile]: loading data index=11 size=469 uncompressed=28400
[58d6b774][datafile]: loading data index=0 size=20 uncompressed=12
[58d6b774][datafile]: loading data index=1 size=19 uncompressed=11
[58d6b774][game/png]: failed to open file. filename='mapres/factory_bg.png'
[58d6b774][datafile]: loading data index=2 size=22 uncompressed=14
[58d6b774][game/png]: failed to open file. filename='mapres/factory_tiles.png'
[58d6b774][datafile]: loading data index=3 size=24 uncompressed=16
[58d6b774][datafile]: loading data index=4 size=18 uncompressed=10
[58d6b774][datafile]: loading data index=5 size=23 uncompressed=15
[58d6b774][datafile]: loading data index=6 size=17 uncompressed=9
[58d6b774][fluid]: Generating fluids
[58d6b774][cbelts]: Generating conveyor belts
[58d6b79a][client]: disconnecting. reason='unknown'
[58d6b79c][client]: disconnecting. reason='unknown'
[58d6b79c][client]: connecting to ''
[58d6b79c][client]: connected, sending info
[58d6b79c][client]: disconnecting. reason='unknown'
[58d6b79c][client]: offline error='Wrong version. Server is running '0.2.2750e9328042e00aa' and client '0.2.324e837bc0096c990''
[58d6b7a3][client]: disconnecting. reason='unknown'
[58d6b7a3][client]: connecting to ''
[58d6b7a3][client]: connected, sending info
[58d6b7a3][client]: disconnecting. reason='unknown'
[58d6b7a3][client]: offline error='Wrong version. Server is running '0.2.2750e9328042e00aa' and client '0.2.324e837bc0096c990''
[58d6b7a6][client]: disconnecting. reason='unknown'
[58d6b7a6][client]: connecting to ''
[58d6b7a6][client]: connected, sending info
[58d6b7a6][client]: disconnecting. reason='unknown'
[58d6b7a6][client]: offline error='Wrong version. Server is running '0.2.2750e9328042e00aa' and client '0.2.324e837bc0096c990''
[58d6b7ab][client]: disconnecting. reason='unknown'
[58d6b7ab][client]: connecting to ''
[58d6b7ac][client]: connected, sending info
[58d6b7ad][client]: disconnecting. reason='unknown'
[58d6b7ad][client]: offline error='Wrong version. Server is running '0.2.2750e9328042e00aa' and client '0.2.324e837bc0096c990''
[58d6b7b0][client]: disconnecting. reason='unknown'
[58d6b7b0][client]: connecting to ''
[58d6b7b0][client]: connected, sending info
[58d6b7b0][client]: loading map, map=lab4 wanted crc=dffc748d
[58d6b7b0][datafile]: loading. filename='maps/'
[58d6b7b0][datafile]: allocsize=1288
[58d6b7b0][datafile]: readsize=1072
[58d6b7b0][datafile]: swaplen=1092
[58d6b7b0][datafile]: item_size=836
[58d6b7b0][datafile]: loading done. datafile='maps/'
[58d6b7b0][client]: loaded map 'maps/'
[58d6b7b0][client/network]: loading done
[58d6b7b0][datafile]: loading data index=9 size=634 uncompressed=29328
[58d6b7b0][datafile]: loading data index=7 size=827 uncompressed=21844
[58d6b7b0][datafile]: loading data index=8 size=729 uncompressed=28600
[58d6b7b0][datafile]: loading data index=10 size=1590 uncompressed=31104
[58d6b7b0][datafile]: loading data index=11 size=469 uncompressed=28400
[58d6b7b0][datafile]: loading data index=0 size=20 uncompressed=12
[58d6b7b0][datafile]: loading data index=1 size=19 uncompressed=11
[58d6b7b0][game/png]: failed to open file. filename='mapres/factory_bg.png'
[58d6b7b0][datafile]: loading data index=2 size=22 uncompressed=14
[58d6b7b0][game/png]: failed to open file. filename='mapres/factory_tiles.png'
[58d6b7b0][datafile]: loading data index=3 size=24 uncompressed=16
[58d6b7b0][datafile]: loading data index=4 size=18 uncompressed=10
[58d6b7b0][datafile]: loading data index=5 size=23 uncompressed=15
[58d6b7b0][datafile]: loading data index=6 size=17 uncompressed=9
[58d6b7b0][fluid]: Generating fluids
[58d6b7b0][cbelts]: Generating conveyor belts
At this point the client never end the task...