Google Play review team is on fire today. They checked , did not find any references to the Android app, and rejected my latest update. So from now on, Android app will be known as "Unofficial Client For Ninslash".
Siile wrote:Help with graphics would be greatly appreciated. Items, buildings, traps, weapon upgrades etc.
You have more chances of getting help if you tell us what exactly do you need. Like, a bear trap or a big mouse trap, two images - open and closed with some animation lines.
Or a silencer and a scope for a grenade launcher
Gameplay wise, I would like to avoid any items that you carry around, because I'll then need to make a separate screen button for using the item.
It would be okay if you use the item automatically, for example medkit can be used automatically on low health, or a key can open some door when you are near that door.
As for weapons, I am hoping to see a guided missile someday, and maybe a zoomed scope window for a sniper rifle. But please no dirt-spawning weapons. I'm still not sure if we need destructable terrain, it does not add much gameplay-wise, but complicated to implement.