1 (edited by AndreasGan 2016-04-14 14:25:12)

Topic: [MOD] Juggernaut (0.6.3 release)


Juggernaut is back! Remade for 0.6.3

24/7 Server
Join tw.andreasgan.com or search "norwegian hub" to try this mod out now!

What is this?
This mod is based on the Halo "Juggernaut" gametype.
One player is the juggernaut, the rest are hunters.

The juggernaut is a powerful tee, starting with 50 health and equipped with a 1-hit hammer (unless hunters have shield).
As a hunter, your goal is to deal as much damage to the juggernaut as possible. The player who has dealt the most damage when the juggernaut dies, becomes the next juggernaut.

How do you win?
Being the juggernaut is your primary source for points - you get 1 point per kill.
The player who reaches the scorelimit first, wins.

Recommended players: 3+ (more players = more fun)

Server Settings:

jug_hammer (default: 1)  - Hammer-only mode for the juggernaut.
jug_hammer_dmg (default: 10)  - How much damage the juggernaut hammer deals (only in hammermode).
jug_health (default: 50)  - How much health the juggernaut starts with.
jug_delaytime (default: 3) - Time in seconds before new juggernaut transforms.
sv_gameovertime (default: 5)  - Time in seconds before new round starts.

Linux x86_64 (Thanks @MertenNor)
Mac (Thanks @H-M-H)
Feel free to compile on other platforms and I will add them here smile

Example config file


2 (edited by HMH 2016-04-14 01:15:36)

Re: [MOD] Juggernaut (0.6.3 release)

You could also use githubs releases section to provide binaries: https://github.com/andreasgan/Juggernaut/releases

Btw. what is the reason for not cloning teeworlds-src and adding your commits on top of that, it makes merging new stuff from official teeworldsrepository easier ?

However, thanks for all your work smile


Mac-Binaries: https://github.com/H-M-H/Juggernaut/rel … rv_mac_osx

Luck is allowed


Re: [MOD] Juggernaut (0.6.3 release)

Thanks! Will update downloads later today.

The reason is that the teeworlds repo is 0.7, I wanted 0.6.3.

Thank you for the mac binaries smile


Re: [MOD] Juggernaut (0.6.3 release)

@andreasgan in the teeworlds repo there is a 0.6 branch -.-

Having troubles finding servers in the serverlist? Go to Pastebin (its a referer cause there is daily a new pastebin) and add the lines to your settings.cfg (in %APPDATA%\teeworlds). Then open teeworlds and go to the favorites tab. (Note however, standard teeworlds client can only show 256 favorites, use ddnet instead)


Re: [MOD] Juggernaut (0.6.3 release)

Oh, of course there is! Sorry hmm