1 (edited by Hauf3n 2016-04-12 16:54:22)

Topic: [MOD] chaser

Hello community,
i want to introduce a simple mod called chaser.

It´s a simple mod with two teams.
It´s a 1 vs. allotherplayers gamemode!

An overpowered player(called onemanarmy> team blue) with a lot of health and stronger weapons vs the rest of the players on the server(called chasers>team red).

The onemanarmy wins, when he killed a certain number of chasers.
The chasers win, when they kill the onemanarmy.

The gamebalance may be broken atm(for example damage/health/kill scaling ), because i can´t test it that much. :>

Basically, that`s it. smile

*Useful tips for understanding the mod*

-the game requires 3+ players to launch
-chaser score: dmg a player dealt to the onemanarmy
-onemanarmy score: chaser kills
-scorelimit: number of chaser kills to win (onemanarmy)

atm there are 2 servers online.


requested server ips:
                                 or just tip 'chaser' in your searchbar

github: only if ppl actually play this mod. it would be pointless
otherwise :'d

I will sometimes idle on this servers. Feel free to join. I will play with ya, if we can reach 3+ players D: wink

(still in dev.)


Re: [MOD] chaser

Hm seems like a cool mod. Can we have the server names or ip's?


Re: [MOD] chaser

So its kinda like juggernaut but instead of becoming the juggernaut when you kill the current juggernaut one person is always the onemanarmy (until the match ends?).  In juggernaut you get points by killing people while being the juggernaut or killing the juggernaut.  So many points wins the game.

Jesus is my Lord and Savior. Praise be unto God for giving us a way to live with him.

Check out my DeviantArt for all my TeeWorlds art and ideas for Teeoworlds


Re: [MOD] chaser

Can you put your source code to github? Thank you

Having troubles finding servers in the serverlist? Go to Pastebin (its a referer cause there is daily a new pastebin) and add the lines to your settings.cfg (in %APPDATA%\teeworlds). Then open teeworlds and go to the favorites tab. (Note however, standard teeworlds client can only show 256 favorites, use ddnet instead)


Re: [MOD] chaser

Schwertspize wrote:

Can you put your source code to github? Thank you

If you want help with this, just ask here or PM me. smile


Re: [MOD] chaser

android272 wrote:

So its kinda like juggernaut but instead of becoming the juggernaut when you kill the current juggernaut one person is always the onemanarmy (until the match ends?).  In juggernaut you get points by killing people while being the juggernaut or killing the juggernaut.  So many points wins the game.

Andreasgan just updated juggernaut to 0.6
24/7 Server:
Its fully playable.. Been bugfixing the past fiew days.
He is gong to post it on the forum soon I think.

->My 24/7 servers: [NOR] Norwegian HUB <- Back Online !! big_smile
( My grammar is getting better ! smile I think.. )


Re: [MOD] chaser

Yup this is very similar to my juggernaut mod. Feel free to PM me if you need help with this smile


Re: [MOD] chaser

I edit my post for some stuff ...

AndreasGan wrote:

Yup this is very similar to my juggernaut mod. Feel free to PM me if you need help with this smile

Well ... f**k. I didn´t know that a similar mod already exists ... D:. Anyway, at least i learned a bit c++. xd