Topic: Tee Style

In my Revamp Flag post Landil said.

Landil wrote:

I like the idea very much. Especially the animation in the vid looks very promising.
But it is true that the animation speed of the wind is far too fast, besides the shadows are not corresponding to the teestyle. The flag shadows are very curvy and so should the shadow of the other frames, too.
Besides, in the vid the feet are moving while flying ... I like this approach, too. Was this modification discussed to get official?

I never got an explanation as to what was not "corresponding to the teestyle". I don't know if I fixed the flags to look more Teeish or what I have to do to make it more Teeish.

This got me thinking what exactly is the "Tee Style"?  I definitely tell when assets are not in the "Tee Style".  But when things are close to what I think it is people say it is not.

So is there sort of a "Tee Style" guideline document? Gnome has their Ui Guidelines, LibreOffice has UX Principles and UX Guidelines and Branding Guidelines, the GIMP team is starting to work on a branding document of their own.

It would be nice to have some sort of guideline for what exactly the "Tee Style" is.  I don't think there needs to be an strict document that has to be followed but it would be helpful to have something to reference while making assets.

How should shadows and highlights be done? How much detail should there be in an object? what about gradients?

Jesus is my Lord and Savior. Praise be unto God for giving us a way to live with him.

Check out my DeviantArt for all my TeeWorlds art and ideas for Teeoworlds


Re: Tee Style

Landil explained this once

I don't project my insecurities on other people.


Re: Tee Style

- parallel perspective
- keep it simple stupid: use basic shapes
- teeworlds is an archetypical world. All graphics should be the perfect representation of its real life models.
- do not use blur (except for main tiles shading)
- do not use gradients
- use as few colors as possible
- use the bezier curve tool (do NOT use the freehand tool) and use as few nodes as possible
- take care of symmetry
- avoid complexity / many details
Outlines: None
Colors: few basic colors, (avoid screaming colors)
Shading: 1 (sometimes 2) shadows for each color

parallax perspective will have to be explained.  I think it has more to do with how the different layers in a map are positioned and move around as you move around the map.  how does this impact doodads?

Jesus is my Lord and Savior. Praise be unto God for giving us a way to live with him.

Check out my DeviantArt for all my TeeWorlds art and ideas for Teeoworlds

4 (edited by Savander 2015-09-02 00:06:16)

Re: Tee Style


Found somewhere


Re: Tee Style

So then it has more to do with the foreground, midground, background, and vista(the sun) in the case of TeeWorlds?  These three grounds/vista will change position depending on your position on the map.

so in regard to dodads and tilesets they just have to look good no matter what your perspective is? Because they do not change with your perspective, the dodads and tilestes are just static images, but rather the position of the grounds/vista change with your perspective.

I hope that makes since.

Landil wrote:

So I just made a quick sketch regarding the house for you as an inspiration to rework your house

it is parallax perspective
very basic shapes only (Everything is made up from circles
I did not use any outlines.
Only very little colors (no black, no white, only grays) and the shading is very simple (only one color)
no gradients

How is this "parallax perspective"?  It does not seem to be in any particular perspective.  Obviously it is in some sort of perspective, but I don't think it is immediately apparent what perspective it is in.  I guess I don't think about this too much.

Jesus is my Lord and Savior. Praise be unto God for giving us a way to live with him.

Check out my DeviantArt for all my TeeWorlds art and ideas for Teeoworlds