pixe1 wrote:Should have went for a more trailer-esque video showing the gameplay, mapeditor and customization abilities in general (mods, playerskins, gameskins etc) instead of a video strolling arround here for about 3(?) years
Please, add some information about mods (at least the most known ones - DDRace, OpenFNG, zCatch, Instagib, Battle, Infection, Alien, Bomb, Football) and some footage from them (as a second, separate video), so the people who are not into shooter games would also be interested. I understand that vanilla is the most important, but we should also mention big communities like DDNet, KoG, F.E.A.R, TeeVision, GIE, etc. The skins are also worth mentioning.
Ah, and the most important thing - will the project still be OpenSource and moddable by changing the server source code? And how we will handle the influx of new players? To be honest, I started discussion about Teeworlds on Steam a long time ago (here: [click]), but now I'm not so convinced myself... after some time I started to think that changes are not necessarily a good thing (especially in almost perfect product, like Teeworlds).
If we stick to using Steam only as another way to download a game, then maybe it wouldn't be so bad... but anyway, I'm a bit worried. It's surprising how one's view of some problem may change over time. Also, from today's point of view, the topic I wrote in the past was extremly biased, so I repaired it as I could.