Topic: Adding bots to server

I want to know how to add dummies or bots to servers and how to do them. They are really ideal for server to train, and really good to just farm for free on kog servers. So i was wondering how to make dummies on your servers and keep them on forever


Re: Adding bots to server


take a look on that:

it's for 0.6.1 i think, but i'm not sure. this runs very stable (no crashes yet).

feel free to use it,

In debug mode there are already dummies imp0lemented, (dbg_dummies number) i think. But this might crash the server.

to get an AI, search on the web for e.g. Sushis bots

Greetings Piko

#yemDX is a known troll


Re: Adding bots to server

Thx for the link, but after i downloaded it, what do i do with the file? do i move it to my ddnet client folder?

4 (edited by [pieLover] 2015-05-07 08:00:46)

Re: Adding bots to server

You'd have to compile the server from the source code found at Pikotee's link, this is not nearly as simple a project as you think it is.

Clan: Riot (I'm one of three leaders: Mile, Deku, pie)
Host teeworlds maps on a fng/ctf/dm/ddrace server for testing:http://riotproductions.tk/teewo/ broken-need reinstall nginx http://riotproductions.tk/bounce?whatEven, Teeworlds NA Discord chat


Re: Adding bots to server

Yeah i did download the link and got this folder with these crazy stuff in it? and what do you mean by compile? and what do i after i compile? Which folder do i move it to?

6 (edited by [pieLover] 2015-05-09 22:03:13)

Re: Adding bots to server

Compiling is to take the source code of the dummy modification and compiler software to make an executable that your Operating system can use. Bam is what's used to manage the compilation of Teeworlds, and if you can get Bam to load bam.lua inside the folder it should all work fine. There are a few good compiling tutorials in the tutorials forum ^-^
after you compile you'd be left with a teeworlds_server.exe and just follow standard server-starting stuff with that.
Starting to think you're trolling with stupidity..
Edit: +1 to pikotee for his lelcomment

Clan: Riot (I'm one of three leaders: Mile, Deku, pie)
Host teeworlds maps on a fng/ctf/dm/ddrace server for testing:http://riotproductions.tk/teewo/ broken-need reinstall nginx http://riotproductions.tk/bounce?whatEven, Teeworlds NA Discord chat


Re: Adding bots to server

...and don't forget about setting up the flux capacitor, which is needed for temporal allocation...

#yemDX is a known troll