Topic: [Mod Request] LocalDM, LocalCTF and LocalTDM

Hey All,
i need a server linux x86 binary that do this simple things:

  • The pure gametypes (like CTF and DM).

  • Unlocked tunings.

  • A changed gametype name sended to the master (the gametype in the server is ctf but the masterserver sign it as LocalCTF.

  • Forced sv_register as 0 becouse is only for Localhosting purposes.

If anyone can make me this gamemode i'm get very happy big_smile
And publish the source becouse i'm on the open source way cool
Pls smile

Error 403: Forbidden

2 (edited by jxsl13 2015-04-09 00:19:35)

Re: [Mod Request] LocalDM, LocalCTF and LocalTDM

->A changed gametype name sended to the master (the gametype in the server is ctf but the masterserver sign it as LocalCTF.
->Forced sv_register as 0 becouse is only for Localhosting purposes.

Those two option won't work together, because if the server is not registered, it will not send any information to the masterserver

Tried your ideas, was quite easy, hopefully it works smile
try this

3 gamemodes: LocalCTF, LocalDM, LocalTDM

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Re: [Mod Request] LocalDM, LocalCTF and LocalTDM

Ehm is ONLY the source? i'm bad for compiling! I need a complete guide for compiling teeworlds server or someone which make me the binary (I prefer the first way).

Error 403: Forbidden

4 (edited by jxsl13 2015-04-09 20:46:28)

Re: [Mod Request] LocalDM, LocalCTF and LocalTDM

download bam: https://github.com/matricks/bam
(dl link: https://codeload.github.com/matricks/bam/zip/master)
Compiling bam (folder called bam)

$ cd bam
$ ./make_unix.sh
$ cd ..

then unzip the mod source.

Compiling teeworlds

$ cd teeworlds-Local-CTF-DM-TDM-0.6.3
$ ../bam/bam server_release
for server only,

https://www.teeworlds.com/?page=docs&am … everything


Linux Binary

Teeworlds [ friends ] clan
Some YouTube Stuff about Teeworlds


Re: [Mod Request] LocalDM, LocalCTF and LocalTDM

SantX wrote:

Ehm is ONLY the source? i'm bad for compiling! I need a complete guide for compiling teeworlds server or someone which make me the binary (I prefer the first way).

Which OS should the server run on?