Topic: Teegore & replacement for hammer
Hi y'all!
I know teeworlds forum is full of talented artists waiting for chance to show the world their designing skills. And I'm happy to tell you that now is the time!
I'm creating an awesome looking client. This far the development has gone according to plans. It looks good and feels good.
Here's some pics to get you fired up:
There's two things I'd like to add. First some tee-gore. I already added cool looking blood, but would be nice to have some gut spills when tee explodes to pieces. Bones, meat pieces, guts, brain... Whatever is inside of a tee and would look cool ingame - You tell me!
Second, a replacement for hammer. I was thinking of small chainsaw or circular saw. Circular saw might fit better since collision radius for hammer hit is kinda small. Hit motion & sound could be replaced with chainsaw / circular saw sound, smoke and small recoil.
Something like this but with cooler blade:
The graphics should fit and look good with the original client's graphics. Anyone interested?
ps. If someone have a vision for sprite animated melee weapons... Plz pm me!