1 (edited by 2014-03-16 03:08:45)

Topic: [HELP!] Monster mod

Hello id like to add a command to give points and to add/reduce the cost of the upgrades.
Please help and thank you in advance smile

Im going to take a nap i hope someone replies big_smile


Re: [HELP!] Monster mod

B3K1LL3R wrote:

Hello id like to add a command to give points and to add/reduce the cost of the upgrades.
Please help and thank you in advance smile

Im going to take a nap i hope someone replies big_smile

I need to know that too. I believe Neox knows this answer. I will try contacting him, one moment please.

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Re: [HELP!] Monster mod

You have to make that command so you'll have to modify the mod but I don't know how sad

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Re: [HELP!] Monster mod

Its open source, just edit it on your own.

How to database by FFanta: http://puu.sh/jdPVk/fa37a95ac2.png


Re: [HELP!] Monster mod

Neox is going to edit the mod when 0.7 version released.

Try until you succeed.