Topic: Grenadelauncher overpowered?
So i've been playing ctf on ctf 5 and I think the grenadelauncher is pretty op, it's easily the strongest weapon because you can just take random shots at things since it is the only weapon that has a missile that needs to hit something before it stops. Also you don't really need to aim with it just shooting into the regular direction of someone should suffice as you have a pretty high chance of hitting someone in ctf 5 corridors.
It is also the only weapon that can make someone actively stop pursueing you just by shooting behind you, it will hit 80% of the time and if you are in the air with nothing beneath you that guy will probably just fall (launched downward).
Also spawns on ctf 5 suck, you get the flag and rush back but the guy you just killed spawns right in front of your escape route. But I think we already know this. Maybe make the spawns behind the flag, expand all the maps a little so when you die you lose the enemy flagholder and wont be able to catch up to him so fast especially not by respawning right in front of his face.
Shouldn't there be something like being able to shoot grenades out of the sky or making the grenade fly faster or maybe increase the drop. Or else just make one grenade spawn per map.
I think the grenade is really fun but its pretty much the only weapon you should bother using when you have it.
BTW im not a new player I've been playing for a while.