Topic: More tuningdetails ?
The tunings feel so lonely, they do not even know if they are apples or pixels . So go and give this poor numbers ther units of measurement !
In my opinion it is nice to have some tunings but it would be even better to know more details about them (like their units). I hope someone will give more information.
Since nobody answered yet I decided to post everything I already know (or believe to know) :
One tile = 32 teexels x 32 teexels
A tee = 28 teexels x 28 teexels
One second = 50 server ticks
hook_length, laser_reach and laser_bounce_cost in teexels
laser_damage in damage/hit
gun_lifetime, shotgun_lifetime and grenade_lifetime in seconds
laser_bounce_delay in milliseconds
player_collision and player_hooking: boolean (no real units)
gravity, ground_control_accel, air_control_accel and <weapon>_curvature in teexels / server tick ^ 2
ground_control_speed, ground_jump_impulse, air_jump_impulse, air_control_speed, hook_fire_speed, hook_drag_speed and <weapon>_speed in teexels / server tick
3. edit: added Sushi Tees teexels and put the new units into topic; removed 2. edit