Topic: [MOD]SoloFNG & BoloFNG!!
Hey! Here's TsFreddie!
Edit: 3/3 2014
1.Fix spactate got ban in solo and bolo
2.Fix tick sound make sure it worked in all mode.
3.Disable the "Death Shot"
4.Cancel the jump in the vivid unfreeze tick.
Sorry that I can only provide the source code.
Config (it's different from OpenFNG, see the part 2!!, you can also found it in Github):
# SoloFNG - Reference configuration.
# Except for sv_name, sv_port and sv_rcon_password, this configuration
# reflects the one used on the SoloFNG Reference Server
# It should provide a good configuration to start with.
# --------- Part 1: Vanilla Settings ---------
# <SoloFNG>
sv_name "Yet Another SoloFNG Server"
sv_port 8339
# make sure to not pass around this one
sv_rcon_password "mysecretpassword"
# full-action server
sv_register 0
sv_max_clients 16
sv_spectator_slots 0
# move inactive ppl to spec after 5 minutes
sv_inactivekick 0
sv_inactivekick_time 5
# round ends at teamscore 700 or when one hour passed, whichever comes first
sv_timelimit 60
sv_scorelimit 700
# map cycles through our standard maps starting with openfng5
sv_map "openfng5"
sv_maprotation "openfng4 openfng3 openfng5"
sv_rounds_per_map 1
# disallow kickvote as ppl tend to abuse it
sv_vote_kick 0
#add some votes
add_vote "map openfng3" "sv_map openfng3"
add_vote "map openfng4" "sv_map openfng4"
add_vote "map openfng5" "sv_map openfng5"
add_vote "1 round per map" "sv_rounds_per_map 1"
add_vote "2 round per map" "sv_rounds_per_map 2"
add_vote "3 round per map" "sv_rounds_per_map 3"
# --------- Part 2: feature choosing and gametype settings ---------
# additional feature from 0.5 fng
# -------------------------------------------------------------
# - Make "tic" sound when ticking 0-disable 1-local only 2-global
sv_tick_sound 0
# - Full auto hammer 0-disable 1-enable
sv_super_hammer 0
# - Make a little jump and happy sound when unfreeze 0-disable 1-enable
sv_vivid 0
# --Please set these three options on if you like the 0.5 fng--
# -------------------------------------------------------------
# Gametype!! (Supporting openfng\solofng\boomfng\bolofng [What's a bolofng? It's boom+solo :)])
sv_gametype solofng
# --------- Part 3: (Complete set of) All-type-of-FNG-introduced settings ---------
# ----- Basic Settings -----
# freeze for 10 seconds when hit by laz0r
tune laser_damage 10
# freeze for 10 seconds when hit by grenade
tune grenade_damage 10
# hammering a frozen teammate takes 3 seconds from his remaining freeze time
sv_hammer_melt 3
# freezing an enemy will give +1 player- and +1 teamscore
# sacrificing will give +3 to the sacrificing player and +10 to his team
# sacrificing in a shrine of your enemy's color will take -5 / -1 from p/t
# melting a frozen teammate by hammer will give +1, but no teamscore
# in solofng & bolofng, only used sv_freeze_score, sv_sacr_score and sv_right_sacr_score.
sv_freeze_score 1
sv_freeze_teamscore 1
sv_sacr_score 3
sv_sacr_teamscore 5
sv_wrong_sacr_score -5
sv_wrong_sacr_teamscore -2
sv_right_sacr_score 5
sv_right_sacr_teamscore 10
sv_melt_score 1
sv_melt_teamscore 0
# display plasma texts indicating player score gains when freezing, melting
# by hammer and sacrificing
sv_sacr_loltext 1
sv_freeze_loltext 1
sv_melt_loltext 1
# display a broadcast only when sacrificing
sv_sacr_broadcast 1
sv_freeze_broadcast 0
sv_melt_broadcast 0
# play global ctf flag capture sound when someone is sacrificed.
# (0 would be no sound whereas 2 would be a local sound)
sv_sacr_sound 1
# make a tee 'bleed' when frozen
sv_bleed_on_freeze 1
# allow shooting through frozen tees and teammates
sv_laser_skip_frozen 1
sv_laser_skip_teammates 1
# display 'all your base' to indicate the game is coming to an end, as soon
# as there is only 50 score left to gain for a team in order to win
# there is no 'all your base' displayed in solofng & bolofng
sv_all_your_base 50
# freeze for 6 seconds when sacrificing in wrong colored shrine
sv_punish_wrong_sacr 6
# ----- Advanced Settings -----
# Don't change these unless you know what you are doing.
# after having molten up yourself, be unfreezable for 20 ticks (around 0.4s)
# this gives the same as the auto-jump in original fng, but without
# enforcing a potentially counterproductive jump.
sv_melt_safeticks 20
# for enemies and unfrozen teammates, adjust hammer power to 320% in x-
# and 120% of vanillas power in y-direction so that we get something like
# a fnglike hammer.
sv_hammer_scale_x 320
sv_hammer_scale_y 120
# for frozen buddies, as we don't want to kick them away too far while
# melting them, we scale down the hammer power to 50% of vanilla strength
sv_melt_hammer_scale_x 50
sv_melt_hammer_scale_y 50
# allow one emoticon every 2 seconds (do not set to 0)
sv_emoticon_delay 2
# make hooking count as interaction only when hooking for longer than 15
# ticks. this avoids noobs scoring by spamming their hooks down a shrine
sv_hook_register_delay 15
# forcefully prevent any entities (like weapons, armor, flags) from spawning
# a good map should not need this setting to be enabled. still it can't hurt
sv_suppress_entities 1
# allow broadcasts to be sent (for instance for scoring)
# default broadcast lifespan is 3 seconds
sv_broadcasts 1
sv_broadcast_time 3
# these two control the size of loltexts, 14 seems to be a good value
sv_loltext_hspace 14
sv_loltext_vspace 14
# auto-mute on chat spam.
# chat penalty is 250 per message (-1 on each tick)
# if it exceeds 1000, we mute the spammer for 60 seconds
sv_chat_penalty 250
sv_chat_threshold 1000
sv_spam_mute_duration 60
# teh cute!
sv_emotional_tees 1
# ban for 30 seconds then someone leaves while being frozen
sv_punish_ragequit 30
# for now we leave the freeze hammer off:
sv_hammer_freeze 0
# start vote on map extending when there is only 60 seconds left to play, or
# 50 score left to gain, whichever comes first
sv_endvote_time 60
sv_endvote_score 50
# don't change these at all.
# no, really. don't.
# they are adjustable due to their origin as general purpose feature
# branches, however changing these variables would defeat fnglike gameplay.
# they are provided along along with their defaults just for completeness
sv_blood_interval 1 #don't touch me
sv_damage 0 # don't touch me
sv_unlimited_ammo 1 # don't touch me
sv_ninja 0 # don't touch me
sv_def_broadcast "" #don't touch me
# end of configuration
---------------------------All of these things below was outdated-------------------
1.Fix some bug and make it stable.
2.Make the laser thinner.
3.Remake boomfng&bolofng, copy the freeze judge from Fifi's Boomfng.
4.Anti-Camper & Anti-Spam from Fifi's Boomfng
I saw IcyPRO's MOD request, then receive another request from Broken.
After done their request, Broken told me the mod is well-liking (in some kind). Then I thought I should mix these feature up and make them better.
So, here comes the SoloFNG and BoloFNG
This mod is modded from fisted's OpenFNG as you all know and love.
You may want to see the OpenFNG's topic:
Link is here.
All OpenFNG map is compatible with this FNG mod.
So, please view the OpenFNG's topic to get maps and more infomation.
And some feature from Fifi's BoomFNG, here's the topic:
Link is here.
Old school feature like ticking sound, full-auto hammer, live animation when unfreezing.
Support OpenFNG and BoomFNG
And the most important: make OpenFNG and BoomFNG be played without team![SoloFNG & BoloFNG]
Download:[Update 8/1]
Windows 32-bit Binary and Config
Linux Binary Coming Soon!
Linux 32 bit[old]
Linux 64 bit[old]
Maps:[Update 8/1]
In Chinese site, click on the button[下载(x.xxM\K)] next to the blue button (Not the blue button!!), then will popup a window, still click on the button[普通下载] next to the blue button*Never click on the blue button*
Thanks to everybody who helped me, including these guys in 0.5 fng help me find out the some details of some features.
Bug is welcome to this topic~ XD.
Teeworlds Chinese Website