Topic: | Teeworlds Serverhosting [EU|US]
Teeserver is a teeworlds serverhosting provider with low prices and some nice extras!
You pay 1,38 € and get 1 month (43200 minutes) of runtime. Also you can divide this runtime onto your servers by yourself freely however you want it. If your server is running we will reduce the runtime every minute, if the server is not running you won't loose runtime and so you won't pay for it!
Teeserver owns a self programmed webinterface. With this interface you can create, configure, start and stop your own server(s), also you could increase your runtime via paypal or contact me for an other payment method.
If you pay with paypal the runtime will immediately be added to your account after finishing the payment. Furthermore there will be 4500 minutes for free when you register an account.
Coming to "jobs". "Jobs" are some tasks which will be performed automatically, like start,stop and restart server.
Within the webinterface you can add jobs for your servers and you could define the days of week and time when the task should be performed. An example for such a task could be to stop the server from Monday until Friday at 23:00 and start him at 08:00 at the other day. While doing this you will save 9 hours of runtime.
On the dashboard you will have all information you need. You could see your servers, the runtime they have left and how many players are on them. You can start, stop, edit and delete your servers right from the dashboard, also you could add some runtime to your servers, have an overview of how many players are playing on all your servers, how many memory your servers use and how much runtime you have left.
On the landing page you can see the latest amount of servers, players and memory-usage of teeserver.
Also you will find the link to the user login, supportforum and yu can create your free user account right
from there.
The server hosting the german teeworlds servers is located in the hetzner datacenter in Nuremberg, Germany.
It features a Intel® Core™ i7-920 processor with 4 cores, 8 threads and a clock frequency of 2.67 GHz, 8GB DDR3
RAM, 2 750GB SATA-II Harddrives and has a connection of 100 MBit/s. It's debian (6.0.6) running on the server and
as webserver we will have nginx.
The server hosting the us servers is located in Kansas City (MO), in the usa. It has 6 vCores with a clock frequency of
1.8 GHz, 512MB RAM and a 1GBit/s connection. It's again debian running on the server, and the webserver for the placeholder is lighttpd.
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German Thread
Version: 1.2
US - Testserver ( [US] Testserver)
EU - Testserver ( [EU] Testserver)