Ok i have some great ideas!!! wink

First: Buildersmod

Its mod where you can build somethings with the weapon :
hammer--> hammer
pistol--> normal stone (which can get destroyed with 1 hit)
laser--> harder stone (2 hits)
rocket-->really hard stone (5 hits
shotgun--> 4 stones comes in one (1 hit the stones )
sword--> looks like normal stone but if that got destroyed team lose (only 1 player have it in a round and he have to place it)
now you think ok thats shit but now my idea comes!

there are 2 teams so the red team is going to play when blue team is in spectator but they only see a black screen and the time then the team who build have 5 minutes to bulid and protect the swordstone

second:who is the killer???

everytee automaticle chnage name to noname then one tee is the killer nobody knows who it is and only the killer can kill othertees if someone know who it is he write /iknowthekiller then everyteew gots a number and he can press the number what he think is the killer